Internal perpetrators – an underestimated risk!
Internal perpetrators may be able to cause more damage to companies than external perpetrators, given their legal access options and insider knowledge of internal vulnerabilities of businesses and organizations. Hierarchies do not represent borders either – a perpetrator could be anybody from caretaker to manager. It is often made all too easy for internal perpetrators, e.g. through largely unlimited access to company know-how and carelessness in handling sensitive documents. Due to, for example, career paths which do not meet expectations, it is not uncommon for employees who have been employed in a company for many years to be considered as perpetrators. But also external personnel working temporarily in the company, who receive temporary access and access authorizations, represent a risk of damage.
That is why you should protect your company at all levels. Check where there are security gaps. Ask us. LENS SEAL® has a solution for you as well.